-- card: 14988 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 3780 -- name: -- part contents for background part 2 ----- text ----- 37 -- part contents for background part 9 ----- text ----- MacProof 3.2.1 -- part contents for background part 8 ----- text ----- ................................................Lea Bromley -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- Run Checks mode or a pull down menu. MacProof also looks at more complex matters such as "Usage". This covers such things as "Often Confused" (e.g., their, there, your, you're, accept, except), Formality (too casual or too stilted), Imprecise ("stuff" the noun meaning “things”), Wordy ("at this point in time" means "now"), Nonstandard, ("anyways"), and User-Defined (you build this category yourself), (you won’t believe how many times it stopped in this last paragraph), and Offensive. "MacProof flags words that may offend some readers. These words include negative references to racial, sexual, and religious groups as well as vulgar and obscene language." I won’t even attempt to provide any examples. Style Checks include reviewing the "be" verbs and nominalizations (verbs that have been made into nouns usually by adding the suffixes tion, ance, ence, or ing). If you notice editing changes you wish to make, even though they have not been highlighted by MacProof, these changes can be made, but the directions for doing this are confusing and a bit frustrating. I never was able to make it work exactly the way I wanted. A second pull-down menu is entitled “Analyze Structure.” Selecting this brings up a dialog box from which the features are used one at a time. These are Sentence List (sentences listed separately), Paragraph Structure (starting and ending sentences of paragraphs are reviewed for validity), Repetitions (number of occurrences